獅子亞歷克斯他們在馬達加斯加的快樂故事仍在繼續(xù)。而另一邊廂,那四只調(diào)皮搗蛋的企鵝:沉著冷靜的老大(Tom McGrath 配音)、腦瓜機靈的技術狂卡哇伊(Jeff Bennett 配音)、單純而超夢的菜鳥(James Patrick Stuart 配音)以及瘋狂危險的涼快(John DiMaggio 配音)卻回到了紐約動物園。雖然平時被關在籠中,但這根本難不住技能互補的企鵝四兄弟,在繁華的國際大都會,他們還是可以讓演一場又一場令人咋舌又拍案叫絕的大冒險。此外,超級自戀狂狐猴朱利安國王14世和大毛也告別老家,攜手到陌生的美國闖天下。動物、人類,原始、文明,彼此間發(fā)生激烈碰撞,有趣的故事接連上演…… 本片為動畫電影《馬達加斯加》的衍生劇。
3.0 企鵝家族第四季
2004 歐美動漫簡介: PINGU is put out when he loses several games of hide and seek and to make matters his friends are laughing at his efforts to find them. When he sees a ladder PINGU has the perfect solution and climbs up an iceberg from where he is able to see all the hiding places. But the tables are turned when the others remove the ladder and PINGU is left stranded on his vantage point. -
4.0 企鵝家族第五季
2.0 企鵝家族第六季
4.0 大北方第四季
9.0 格林童話變奏曲
4.0 芭比夢幻仙境之彩虹仙子